Information for Referring Vets
How to contact us, and the science behind our services.
We want to work with you.
We envision our services as adjunctive treatments to primary medical care. We provide that "little extra" for patients who are already receiving comprehensive treatment in full-service facilities.
Our medical services are restricted only to acupuncture and laser therapy. We refuse exams or medical recommendations outside the specific scope of our services.
When we provide services, communication with the primary care veterinarian is important to us: we like to discuss the history of the patient before treatment, then relay what treatment was provided afterwards.
How can we help you?
Do you have any questions about integrating acupuncture or laser therapy into your total treatment plan for your patients? Feel free to reach out to discuss where complementary treatments may help!
No experience with acupuncture or laser therapy? We'd be happy to arrange a demo for you!
We practice evidence-based medicine only.
Our treatments are based on peer-reviewed studies in both veterinary and human medicine. These modalities are not "cure-alls," but do have areas of proven benefit for our patients. Check out what we have to to offer below!